Full name: Brigitta Liivak
Title: Mrs Wordlwide 2023
Education Level: Bachelor degree in Computer Science
Zodiac: 31.05.1997, Gemini
Hobbies: Sailing, Online store, Makeup artistry
Platform: GlamUpper
Countries Visited: USA, Canada, UK, Japan, Russia, Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, UAE, Maldives, Haiti, Dominican Republic, France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Poland, Greece, Turkiye, Finland, Croatia, Austria, Hungary..
Status: Married

Please Tell us about yourself.
I come from a humble background and began my journey in the world of international modeling at the age of 17. However, my career trajectory took a significant turn when I pursued studies in computer science, eventually leading me to work as a software engineer and analyst. After becoming a mother and feeling the desire to expand my horizons, I ventured into the world of pageantry. Participating in Mrs. Estonia 2023 was a transformative experience for me, as it ignited a passion for women’s empowerment and self-discovery.
Through pageantry, I found the courage to pursue long-forgotten dreams, including the establishment of my own cosmetics brand, GlamUpper, dedicated to empowering women and fostering a supportive community. My journey has been guided by the belief in sustainability, healthy living, and unconditional self-love, all of which I strive to embody and promote. I see pageants not only as a platform for personal growth but also as an opportunity to inspire others to embrace their authentic selves and pursue their passions.

What does Women empowerment means to you?
Women empowerment, to me, embodies the essence of providing women with the tools, opportunities, and support necessary to realize their full potential, both personally and professionally. It’s about fostering an environment where women feel empowered to speak up, pursue their passions, and make meaningful contributions to society without limitations or barriers based on gender.

What inspired you to your first pageant?
The inspiration for my first pageant, Mrs Estonia 2023, came from a desire to step out of my comfort zone and explore new avenues of personal growth and empowerment. After becoming a mother, I felt a renewed sense of self and wanted to rediscover my dreams and aspirations. Participating in a pageant seemed like the perfect opportunity to challenge myself, embrace my femininity, and inspire other women to pursue their goals fearlessly.

Why did you choose to compete for your current title?
I chose to compete for my current title because I believe in the power of pageants to empower women and provide them with a platform to voice their passions and advocate for important causes. As someone who has experienced the transformative impact of pageants firsthand, I saw an opportunity to further amplify my message of women’s empowerment and community support on an international stage. Additionally, the values upheld by the pageant, such as respect for nature, promoting a healthy lifestyle, and unconditional love, strongly resonate with my personal beliefs and mission. Competing for this title allows me to align myself with an organization that shares my values and provides a platform to inspire positive change.

Tell us about your experience during the competition.
Participating in the competition was a transformative journey filled with challenges, growth, and unforgettable moments. It allowed me to connect with remarkable women from diverse backgrounds, share our stories, and support each other throughout the journey. The competition pushed me to push my limits, refine my skills, and embrace my authenticity while staying true to my values.

Tell us about your platform or what cause do you volunteer for?
My platform revolves around women’s empowerment and community support, which I actively promote through my brand, GlamUpper. GlamUpper is more than just a cosmetics company; it serves as a community hub where women can find support, encouragement, and inspiration to pursue their dreams and achieve their goals. I firmly believe that behind every successful woman are many successful women, and by fostering a supportive community, we can uplift each other to greater heights. Additionally, I am deeply passionate about sustainability, promoting a healthy lifestyle, and advocating for unconditional self-love and love for others. These causes are integral to my platform and drive my efforts to make a positive impact in the world.

What are some of your achievement?
Some of my notable achievements include transitioning from a successful career in international modeling to pursuing a degree in computer science, followed by a fulfilling job as a software engineer and analyst. Additionally, I am proud of my accomplishments in the pageant world. Furthermore, the launch of my brand, GlamUpper, stands as a significant achievement, as it embodies my commitment to women’s empowerment and community support. Through GlamUpper, I have been able to inspire and uplift countless women within our community. Also, to start a cosmetics brand was a long forgotten childhood dream. GlamUpper cosmetics is really about finding joy in small things.

Tell us about the moment your name was called out as the winner.
Winning the title was an incredibly surreal and emotional moment for me. It was a culmination of hard work, dedication, and belief in myself. In that moment, I felt a profound sense of gratitude and humility, knowing that I had the opportunity to represent not only myself but also my country and the causes I am passionate about on an international stage.

What does it mean to you to be a Beauty Queen?
Being a Beauty Queen goes beyond wearing a crown; it’s about embodying grace, compassion, and resilience. It means using my platform and influence to make a positive impact in the world, inspire others to pursue their dreams, and advocate for meaningful change. It’s a responsibility I carry with honor.

How did pageant helps your self-esteem and body image?
Participating in pageants has been instrumental in boosting my self-esteem and fostering a positive body image. Through the pageant experience, I have learned to embrace my uniqueness and celebrate my strengths. The rigorous preparation process, including physical fitness training, public speaking practice, and personal development workshops, has enabled me to cultivate confidence in myself and my abilities. Moreover, the supportive environment of the pageant community has been incredibly uplifting, reminding me that beauty comes in all shapes, sizes, and backgrounds. By showcasing my authentic self on stage and advocating for causes I am passionate about, I have developed a newfound appreciation for my inner and outer beauty, empowering me to embrace who I am fully.

You are an inspiration to all the girls out there. How does it feel?
Knowing that my journey and advocacy efforts have the potential to positively impact and empower others fills me with a profound sense of purpose and gratitude. As someone who once grappled with self-doubt and insecurities, I am honored to serve as a beacon of hope and encouragement for girls who may be navigating similar challenges. My hope is that by sharing my story and promoting messages of self-love, resilience, and determination, I can inspire girls to believe in themselves, pursue their dreams fearlessly, and make a difference in the world.

What are your plans during your reining as a Queen?
During my reign as a Queen, I am committed to leveraging my platform to effect meaningful change and promote causes that are near and dear to my heart. This includes expanding the reach and impact of GlamUpper as a vehicle for women’s empowerment and community support. I plan to collaborate with organizations and stakeholders who share my values to uplift and empower women. Additionally, I aim to use my platform to amplify the voices of marginalized individuals and advocate for inclusivity and equality on a global scale. Through strategic partnerships, advocacy campaigns, and community outreach initiatives, I am dedicated to making a lasting and positive impact during my reign as Queen.

What kind of legacy do yo want to leave behind?
The legacy I aspire to leave behind is one of empowerment, inspiration, and positive change. I want to be remembered as someone who fearlessly pursued her dreams, uplifted others, and made a tangible difference in the lives of women and communities around the world. Through my advocacy efforts, entrepreneurial endeavors, and commitment to promoting values such as sustainability, healthy living, and unconditional love, I hope to inspire future Queens to embrace their uniqueness, believe in themselves, and strive for excellence. Ultimately, I aim to leave behind a legacy of empowerment and compassion, where women feel supported, valued, and empowered to create a brighter, more inclusive future for generations to come.